About Us

EdgeMart is an online platform operated by a Malaysian Company with the vision of wanting to help Malaysian moving Towards Quality Care. We intend to offer you high quality healthcare products with exceptional value proposition. We also strike to offer you a purchasing experience of flexibility and convenience.

According to International Diabetes Federation; In 2017, there was a total of 3.6 million Malaysians suffering from diabetes. Thus; we intend to offer all the related healthcare products that will help you prevent or better manage your diabetes condition.

Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose Testing plays an important role in helping people with diabetes better manage their diabetes condition. Thus we are inspired to provide a comfortable, convenient and accurate way for Malaysia to perform their blood glucose testing. With our blood glucose test strips subscription plan, we will deliver to you all the supplies you need to test your blood glucose based on the plan your have subscribed. This minimizes the hassle associated with the purchase of the testing supplies. Our subscription service can be customized to your own needs so that You are In Control!

Blood glucose test strips subscription plan is our starting point of this journey. We intend to add more services to this platform in our quest to provide Malaysian with more options towards achieving quality care in their daily live.